I’m late to discover you I think, but right now very happy that I have. “Starting from where you are now“ brings to mine a story made famous by Dave Allen, the Irish comic genius. The story itself concerns a stranger in Dublin asking a local for directions to the railway station. “Oh I wouldn’t start from here sir if I were you” replies to the local.

Good comic story though this is, I love it more for its metaphorical significance; where else could any of us ever start except where we are right now?

We swim in streams of perfect stories all the time, I think. Noticing any of them is a writer’s art.

So much looking forward to delving into your Substack tomorrow.

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Thank you for the response and story. I love “We swim in streams of perfect stories all the time, I think. Noticing any of them is a writer’s art.” 💖

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I prefer writing without embellishments, using plain words and simple sentences to express myself. Sometimes, I doubt if my stories are not as polished as literary fiction and essays written by others, but when I don't dwell on that, my current writing style seems to satisfy myself in the process of self-expression...

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Thete is beauty in simplicity. I like your last statement. Less dwelling on comparison - wishing this for everyone.

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This is so me, just writing about the little things, my thoughts and wonderings… Discovering writing…

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Discovering writing…writing to discover..🙂✍️💖

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I do love using this grounding exercise in my notebook too. I often write about sitting on the couch and looking out the same window. It is a calming place to start for sure. Thank you!

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We should celebrate sofas and couches more often. They support us in so many more ways than just giving a place to sit.

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Indeed! I once had a red couch that I thought about writing a series of stories told from it. I love that image and haven't thought about it for years!

This couch in my house now has been such a catalyst for transition. I think I need to write more deeply about it.

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Sep 13Liked by Terje Äkke

I copied so many lines of this into my notebook to remind me whenever I flip the pages and see these quotations of the power of starting where I am. Also on my living room sofa. Precarious piles of books. A cup of coffee that has cooled off too much as I have been reading and writing out some of your words to save for later. Thank you for this lovely piece.

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I like the image of people connected because they sit on a sofa, drink tea or coffee and write and read.

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Sep 13Liked by Terje Äkke

A lovely start to my day. Thank you Terje. Will start pondering over what *I think* I know!

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Your post as a response to this prompt was a gift to me this morning.

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Write what you know is an absolute trigger for me because I lack the confidence to think that I know anything at all! Everything I have written I believe is not that good and as you said in your post, I want to write well- I want this for me more than everything. Probably the self critic talking :D I love your confidence to write about the ordinary, it always makes me feel relaxed so thank you!

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You could always write about yourself - the parts you know well, like the morning person-evening writer you mentioned yesterday. 🙂Maybe for you “write what you care about” is a better nudge.

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To start to write from where I am is beyond me

To start to write from what I know is beyond me

Yes, I could write of "this place, this time"

Yes, I could write of "this thing, those things"

But so much there is - of things, times, places

People - only thread-barely known to this writer

That to start to write from what is unknown

That to start is the path I've started to write along

In this morning moment, today's first words written

In this sandwiched stratum twixt time past and future

To close out these words, written by themselves and I

To close out these words, sufficient to say "Goodbye!"

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💖✍️Your response is art.

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And your Writing Playground posts are proving provoking pads to pen positive ripostes, yes written with artistic intent, to share back to you and others.

Feedback appreciated Terje.

Autumn continues its advance where I am ✍ing from; though the Warm Front is reported in weather despatches to be mounting a rebuttal manouevre up from the Sahara to push back the Cold Front from the Arctic that has held sway of late.

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